“Immersion Hub”, a short term Chinese language program organized by Shanghai Open University (SOU) wrapped up on the morning of September 11 at Institute of International Exchange. The participants include 15 students and teachers from UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Indonesia, Siri Lanka and HKSAR.
Centering on the mission of promoting Chinese as a foreign language among foreign students and Chinese culture, it also serves as a platform for effective exchanges and interactions among people from all over the world. The three week summer program scheduled diverse activities such as the visits to a Chinese enterprise and different museums, introduction to Chinese dance and sports, the talent show and the presentation on “What I learned in Shanghai”.
SOU has obtained the qualification of admitting international students since 2014. The Institute of International Exchange is carrying out various international exchange and cooperation programs. The presence of international students from different educational and cultural background on campus helped creating a more dynamic and inclusive campus at SOU.